Perasaan Lepas Tukar Link Blog

Lama aku menghilang after using new link untuk blog ni. Sorry everyone tak baca lagi all the comments you left, and tak blogwalking jugak lagi. I have been a bit busier on last week starting daripada raya haji tu. So today, I'm at home also dah settle bab tengok jadual, daftar subjek baru untuk semester depan nak start on this September, jadinya sekarang terasa lapang nak lepak depan laptop buat benda lain.
Actually, perasaan nak tukar link blog tu dah lama since habis SPM tahun 2015. Tak tahu lah kenapa tak buat je terus, and now level kebencian dan kegelian dengar url yang lama tu, aku gagahkan jugak betul-betul ubah 2 weeks ago kot. Bercampur baur perasaan ni bila dah ubah, sebab rasa banyak masalah yang datang.
Dulu kalau ubah zaman 2015, mungkin better sebab at that time blog anis ni memang orang tak tahu agaknya, follower pun ciput, hari-hari punya pageview tak pernah lepas 100. Then, dah masuk tahun 2016 macam tu ada nampak progress sebab rajin update jugak masa tu, and ramai lagi bloggers out there yang very active, buat giveaway and segmen sana sini. Makanya, page view blog ni pun dah meningkat jugak. Sehari at least mesti ada 300-400, alhamdulillah tu kira banyak dah for me.
Sekarang, hati ni ada rasa
- Menyesal
- Geram
- More confident
Please someone yang tahu or pernah jugak berada dalam situasi sekarang, please give me some help!
23 LOVE(S)
Last part about no more hiding I think I feel you.. Baru2 nie rasa dah penat nak sembunyi yg kita nie blogger tp skrg tidak lagi.. btw hopefully everything is gonna be okay. May ALLAH bless everything you do.. keep on writing! ^^
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! InsyaAllah I will keep on writing and do better 😊
DeleteHii, I used to hide it as well but as for now, I couldn't care less. I love writing and I don't mind people reading it hehe. Wish you all the best! <3
ReplyDeletethanks a lot my dear 😘
Deleteactually sampai skrg ain malu nak exposed yg diri ni blogger (dulu active skrg bye) sbb takut kawan2 or family tahu haha padahal bukan buat salah pun. btw suka la nama blog awak moonroha unik cute.
ReplyDeletejalan2 sini :D
anis pun ada rasa yg sama, takut jugak if family terjumpa blog ni ke yelah mana tahu diorang tak suka kita bercerita kat sini, anyways thank you so much my dear 💖
DeleteOoohh geram dengan adsense ye.. I've been there. 🙂 Semoga terus tabah ye. Paling penting jgn putus asa.
ReplyDelete😢 I'm trying
DeleteI changed my blog url once too because I think the old one was kinda childish but then I felt regret right after changing to the current one. It's okay to change :)
ReplyDeleteyou go girl. i added you to one of my fluffy candies.
ReplyDeleteterharu saya 😭😭 thank you sudi masukkan saya dlm bloglist awak 🤞
Deletei'm liking the vibe. cheers for not hiding anymore!
yepp ! 👏👏
DeleteI'm pretty proud with blog lol and I even ask my friends and coworkers to read it so my pageview can increase.
ReplyDeleteFor Adsense you need to apply with the new blog name and url. I couldn't help much because I don't use adsense but for other stuff like traffic, it's normal for the PV to go down due to changing url as your followers need to unfollow and then follow you again with the new url.
Good luck!
Alright thank your for the help, I just request for Adsense to view my new url and still waiting for the confirmation and yeahh need to blogwalking more and make people realise I'm still here but with a new url one
DeleteMy old link was kinda embarrassing lol but I have move on hehehe. At one point, mesti akan rasa naktukar jugak link, its better for you to do it at this moment and fix everything that needed to be fixed :)
ReplyDelete+ ps: Den still rasa malu dengan tulisan den lol jadinya if people I knew accidentally found my blog, its okay hehehe but I wouldn't voluntarily share to them the link if they ask for it :')
alright thank you so much for your words, and now memang rasa lega sikit and tak malu sangat nak bagi link blog if ada orang lain mintak 🤭
Deleteteruskan beristiqamah untuk menulis blog mcm Abam Kie. In shaa Allah, kejayaan pasti akan ditempa.
ReplyDeletedone follow your blog.
pernah juga la rasa nak tukar url tapi lepas dapat adsense macam biar je la, malas nak pikir..hehe
ReplyDeletepernah gak terfkir nk tukar url tapi bila dfkir masak2 malas nak handle adsense nanti pastu sbb dah lamaaaa sgt guna url tu so mcm syg je nak tukar haha
ReplyDeleteAaaaa Tqa pun nak tukar URL jugakkkkk tapi sabar dulu. Kena cari dulu semua blog yang ada letak Tqa dalam bloglist dorang then, baru tukar. ahaha That way, takdelah susah sangat nak inform dekat semua.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with adsense ye.
dulu masa zaman saya sekolah dulu beria sorok link blog daripada orang ramai, malu kalau ada org yg kita kenal baca.
ReplyDeletesekarang ni dah tak kisah, dengan bangganya letak link blog sendiri kt profile social media n slalu promote kt kawan suruh baca blog kita walaupun tahpape hahaha xD
selamat maju jaya... hehehe
ReplyDeleteThank you for dropping your thoughts and have a nice day! 😉