Blogger Challenge #Day6&7: First Relationship? Kiss?

It's already the 6th day! 😄

Hmmm, need to tell ya my first relationship or first kiss. Seriously I got nothing to say, I have never been into a relationship before, but I do kiss someone 😏
I kiss my family members, my pets also (I have a lot before but only one cat at one time that I raise) especially Abu, the meow meow 🐈
I miss my cat so much since we lost him around at the end of last March. Abu was the perfect cat! Actually, this is the first male cat that I ever raise and Abu the most understanding cat ever 😔 taknak taip dah sebab rasa nak nangis 😭
Update: Abu ni hilang sebab adik saya ni yang gatal bawa dia naik kereta ikut my parents pergi gotong-royong cuci reban ayam yang lokasi dia dalam 6km daripada rumah. Diorang turun buat kerja while tinggal my cat dalam kereta, tapi tingkap bukak. Dia memang tak suka sangat tempat sempit sebab suka nak explore. Adik cakap dia asyik dok meow meow dalam kereta, rasanya mesti sebab dia takut kot sebab lepas je adik pergi bukak pintu kereta dia terus lompat pastu pergi masuk dalam semak. Dah la dengan tak biasa kawasan situ. Lepas dah siap berkemas then nak balik, try panggil dia banyak kali tapi tak jugak balik-balik. Maybe dia pergi merayau sebab hairan dia kat mana maybe 🙀
Petang tu mak ngan abah pergi lagi sekali kat kebun kot-kot lah Abu ada. Panggil lagi nama dia, tapi still tak datang 😭😭😭
Petang tu mak ngan abah pergi lagi sekali kat kebun kot-kot lah Abu ada. Panggil lagi nama dia, tapi still tak datang 😭😭😭
Aww Abu is super cute and this is a cute 'relationship' hehehe
ReplyDeleteyepp he is the cutest creature ever!
Deleteawh I feel you, comel nya Abu! so dia hilang macam tu je ea tak balik rumah ? Mostly kucing Indah pun mcm tu :(
ReplyDeletedia hilang dekat kawasan jauh drpd rumah 😌 ni semua salah adik
DeleteAbu was such a cutieeeee! Im sure he had good memories with you :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for dropping your thoughts and have a nice day! 😉