November 2016 - M O O N

K-Drama | First Kiss For The Seventh Time

by - Monday, November 28, 2016
Wait . What ? Kissing ?  I'm not talking about my first kiss or what . I do kiss my family members only , plus minus my old teddy bears and last but not least , my 'bantal busuk' maybe ;3 I'm telling you , this upcoming blockbuster romance drama entitled 'First Kiss...

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Hermo Flash Sale Till 24th November 2K16

by - Tuesday, November 22, 2016
This is not a paid review , I'm just sharing  Assalamualaikum ,  Wanna share with you guys since I visit HERMO for everyday . Even though I'm not buying anything there , but my goals is collecting 200 credits given by hermo after your attendance being taken for straight 10 days . So, this...

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2017 Beauty Product Wishlist

by - Wednesday, November 16, 2016
This post might be contain a lot of pictures . So , just scroll or click 'X' on your menu tab . Salam guys ,  I hope it is a not tooooo early for entry like this to appear . Yeah we must set up our mind a few months before , so...

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K-Drama | Go Ho's Starry Night

by - Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Salam guys .  Another drama I'd been watched this holiday . Pada mulanya , langsung tak perasan Kwon Yuri dalam drama ni , sebab tak pernah pun ambil tahu pasal member Girls Generation ni . Well , I don't really like those from SM Entertainment . *saya tak racist, cuma hati ni tak...

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K-Drama | Touching You

by - Wednesday, November 09, 2016
*maaf sekiranya entry penuh spoiler*  Salam guys .  Bulan lepas Anis tengok cerita ni , semata-mata disebabkan cast dia , I like both , the hero & heroin .  Cast :  Ok Taecyeon as Do Jin Woo Song Ha Yoon as Jin Hee Young Kim Jong Moon as Kang Hyun Seo Im Yoon Jung as Kwon Mi...

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Fri Date - Me & Shasha

by - Monday, November 07, 2016
Jumaat , 4 November 2016 , Anis berjaya menculik salah seorang kawan baiknya iaitu Shasha Solero Nabihah untuk keluar meronda dalam Sunway Carnival Mall sambil-sambil ber-window shopping . Acewah , kami lebih suka untuk mencuci-cuci mata sahaja sebenarnya dan akhirnya membeli benda yang merapu jugak , atau kami lebih menghabiskan duit membeli makanan...

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I'm The Oldest But I'm Not A Leader

by - Sunday, November 06, 2016
Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera , Yes . I'm talking about K-Pop groups . Mostly the oldest member will be automatically chosen as the band's leader , but for certain band , they choose someone else as they have their own reason to make it that way . But still the younger person being...

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Seokjin BTS | Awake

by - Wednesday, November 02, 2016
Kim Seokjin , the pink princess in the band , ohh my his cooking skill was 100X better than me , he doesnt know how to dance well at first, but now he made it . also , the sweet voice of his singing this song keep disturbing me and makes me addicted...

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Jungkook BTS | Begin

by - Tuesday, November 01, 2016
Jungkook expressing on how he felt for the first time being debut as an idol , there his hyungs (big brother a.k.a bandmates) always helping him and he said he was so sad and gonna cry if he saw them crying . Then , the hyungs keep teasing him on V apps ....

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