End of Degree, Grad & PTPTN - M O O N

End of Degree, Grad & PTPTN

by - Saturday, May 11, 2024

It's midnight and chaos outside. I think almost 4 lori bomba masuk kawasan perumahan due to ada rumah terbakar. Dari tingkap bilik, I cannot see any smoke. Mungkin terlindung barangkali. Apa-apa pun, doakan everything gonna be well, and semoga tak ada kemalangan jiwa yang berlaku

Macam yang tertera on top of this post, Anis sebenarnya just thinking to share what I've been doing after habis study and etc. Alhamdulillah after 4 semester study dalam kampus dan 1 semester full latihan praktikal, tamat lah my journey as 'student'. It should be only 5 months of gap before graduation day, but masa tu kan the whole world being affected by COVID-19, makanya everything being postponed.

1 year 2 months, barulah dapat confirmatio message on Istiadat Konvokesyen UiTM-96. Anis pun tak ingat Anis sidang yang keberapa 😂 for sure, jatuh hari Sabtu (27 Mei 2024) untuk kampus yang ada di negeri Perlis. 

Me in my graduation robe

Thank you Mom and Dad for that bouquet of fresh roses. Still keeping it walaupun dah layu 😅 same goes to the one they bought me during Diploma punya graduation... 

Anis ni ada buat pinjaman PTPTN during Degree. How much if you wanna ask? It depends on the income of the household lah kan. I received around RM 1,5XX per semester which could pay off the both education and hostel fees, siap ada baki a bit 😁 

So, disebabkan ada buat pinjaman pendidikan ni automatik dalam minda "eh you should grad first class tau baru boleh dapat pengecualian". Because of that, I'm so nervous bila tengok result 2 semester akhir yang quite 📉 bila dah start kelas online. Anis ni a bit old school, everything kalau boleh nak manual study with pens and papers! Sangat memenatkan bila semua material untuk study in form of PDF file, videos. Hmm patutnya I ask for advice from several classmates yang making perform result diorang during lockdown tu kan 🤔

Macam-macam juga episod menghabiskan kelas, praktikal & kerja kursus. Anis manage to sarungkan that selempang pink again! Yeay for having the chance for pengecualian pembayaran pinjaman. Thought it will be easy.. now ada dugaan lagi. 

Permohonan ditolak. Sebab? Tempoh permohonan yang Anis buat melebihi tempoh setahun dari tarikh konvokesyen (ini yang tertera dalam email). Terkejut lah masa tu because should be this 27th Mei genap setahun konvo. Rupa-rupanya pihak PTPTN ni ikut date anggaran yang pihak UiTM keluarkan yang mana sepatutnya Konvo Kali ke-96 ni berlangsung in June 2022. Then, Anis terfikir macam tiada guna lah PTPTN sediakan column wajib jawab "tarikh konvokesyen" waktu fill in permohonan because they don't even follow that date. 

Now, I'm in the middle of getting surat penundaan tarikh konvo and other documents being asked by PTPTN's staff. Wish me luck!

Perhaps, this could be a lesson to start your own/your kids' education plan. Never put high hopes in getting the loan-to-scholarship method to fund your studies. Only your own money could help you

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  1. Congrats on your convocation, Anis! You're so pretty <3

    Lenne | lennezulkiflly.com

  2. Hopefully everything goes well for your PTPTN issue. In shaa Allah ada rezeki tak perlu bayar hehe x

    erin @ herlittleplans.com

    1. aminnn thank you Erin for the doa :) moga-moga dapat lah pengecualiannya XD

  3. Congratulations, Anies. That selempang pink <3

  4. congratulations on your graduation! Myra pulak sikit je lagi nak langsaikan hutang PTPTN tu so I think I'll just deduct from my KWSP Akaun 2. Semoga dipermudah segala urusan sis~

    Myra | Beauty Diary

    1. terima kasih sis myra! alhamdulillah and tahniah too, berjaya habiskan education loan xD now can move forward more financial freedom!


Thank you for dropping your thoughts and have a nice day! 😉