A Restart? - M O O N

A Restart?

by - Thursday, May 09, 2024

3 years later,

You find out that Anis is still here. Exist, alive and kicking.

I'm still trying to figure out whether to keep this blog running since I miss writing and sharing stuff like good old times. I hope that this post could be a signal that I'm going to revive this blog and yes! you can be excited about what I'm gonna write for the next post. 

The idea is that... a monthly post would be good to have that momentum right?

Haha let me figure it out and stop making excuses to not have time since I have an iPad now, I can write basically wherever and whenever 😆

Last but not least, how are you guys doing? 

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  1. Welcome back to blogging! Looking forward to reading your next posts x


    1. Hiii Erin! I'm so delighted to see you again. Thanks for the notice btw and I have made the changes on the blog list

  2. Replies
    1. thanks BV! I should be consistent then XD

  3. Welcome back! I haven't been here for quite some time (:

    1. I guess I did choose the right time making a comeback hahaha since you're already back here XD

  4. Replies
    1. heeeee thanks Lenne! I'm inspired to see how consistent you are in blogging


Thank you for dropping your thoughts and have a nice day! 😉