January 2018 - M O O N

Beauty Talk #2 : Niacinamide

by - Monday, January 29, 2018
Let's continue with the beauty talk 💚 Dah lama post ni terkubur in draft section from August last year. Kalau lah ni kimchi, mesti dah sedap agaknya sebab dah lama perap 💣 Today I would like to share anything that related to this 'NIACINAMIDE' . I see that products with niacinamide nowadays become...

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Nano White Fresh Gel Cleanser

by - Sunday, January 28, 2018
Good evening ! Harini nak review tentang Nano White Fresh Gel Cleanser setelah sekian lama post ni dekat draft section almost 7 months I guess 😅 This is how it looks like Since post yang Anis buat pasal Nano White Fresh on December 2015 kalau tak silap, post tu lah yang dah berjasa...

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K-Drama | Somehow 18

by - Wednesday, January 24, 2018
   Annyeong 🐠 Ohho ! This gonna be a drama review post again. Since I love to waste fill my leisure time by watching drama or movie so why not I share my thought about it to all of you 🌱 Let's begin 🍪 Title : Somehow 18 Aired on : 28th August - 8th...

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On Semester Break Again

by - Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Good evening even though its already dark out there . Actually, I'm here trying very hard to overcome a disease called MALAS . I always said to myself that I want to publish a lot of posts but then when the holiday come, nahhh I'm still stuck on my bed and not doing...

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Berleter On 1st Jan 2018

by - Monday, January 01, 2018
   2018 💣 I'm not going to say much yeahh because I don't feel like excited? I don't have any feeling macam excited ke or bersemangat dengan azam yang baru sebab sesungguhnya aku memang tak ada azam pun. Baik teruskan apa yang aku memang dah buat and stay istiqamah 😉 Bagi yang ada...

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