I'm Not Dead Yet 😉

by - Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Hi! Masih ada lagi ke yang singgah blog ni? Dah nak dekat 4 bulan rasanya tak update blog ni 😅 bukan sebab tak da masa, tapi rasa macam akan buang masa if bukak blog and nak update, time minggu kuliah. I feel like I won't satisfied enough with a short post and I believe that before writing something, I should prepare the points and give you all the information related to that post! am I crazy for perfection? maybe a YES


Now, final dah habis and I'm on semester break for 5 weeks 😏 tengok lah ye if ada kerajinan tu, maybe blog ni akan ada post baru 😷 masalah sekarang saya ni macam dah lost interest dekat my blog since pageview pun kurang banyak, then apply google adsense entah 3 kali dah tapi rejected je. Hmm maybe I should just stcik to that geli-geli URL 💩

why my own name was there before 😑

p/s: sorry if you feel this post is annoying

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15 LOVE(S)

  1. have a good rest and enjoy your holiday.

  2. what is that geli-geli url hahahahahaha but it has been a while, welcome back!

    1. HAHAHAHA geli-geli sebab ada nama dalam url tu 😌

  3. welcome back! your url is kinda cool!
    all the best, BV pun post dan tulis something kat blog kalau rajin je XD

    1. hihihi thank you! anis harap sangat sikap malas ni tak larut sampai habis semester break, at least nak jugak post 4-5 camtu

  4. rasanya dulu macam senang je apply adsense lepas tukar url asyik kena reject..sedih! tapi url lama anis pun oklah takde geli-geli pun..haha:P

    1. hah sekarang ni susah sikit la T_T hihi geli nak sebut url tu sebab ada nama sendiri :3

  5. hi geng,saya pon baru start pos semula selepas first sem of degree...quite hectic la..mana ada masa nak hadap blog.so cuti2 ni ,nak acah2 rajin tulis semula.

    jom drop by kt blog saya!hehe


  6. Yes, masih ada lagi orang yang akan singgah blog ni, ehem.. me ehem... and hoping for a new post.
    It's okay. Take your time. Sometimes blogger will lost their mojo and tak tau nak post apa. And I hope you'll get your mojo back.

    1. thanks a lot tqa!! I know you still visit here some time

  7. take ur time. apa tu geli-geli url. hehehe


Thank you for dropping your thoughts and have a nice day! 😉