Nano White Fresh New Product Line

Oh no! I'm using a wrong term , it should be a product line extension not a new product line =='

I'm being excited without
Nano White Fresh Milk Cleanser
Price : RM 15.90
This cleanser is purposely produced for those who have a sensitive skin ; while the other two :
- Nano White Fresh Foam Cleanser {for all skin types}
- Nano White Fresh Gel Cleanser {formulated for the oily skin}
Nano White Fresh Deep Cleansing Charcoal Mask
Price : RM 21.90
As usual, mask also becoming a part of skincare routine and you are advised to wear this mask twice or three times a week only. I won't buy this since my Freeman mask still not finish yet , maybe I just used only half ?
Last but not least ;
Nano White Fresh Sleeping Essence
Price : RM 24.90
Product details :
- Enriched with Red Seaweed, Sodium Hyaluronate, Vitamin C, Tea Tree Oil, Vitamin C and Sea Algae
- Promote skin whitening while you sleep
- Keeps your skin hydrated and moisturised
- Helps to refine skin texture, regulate sebum and brighten overall skin tone
- Can be used as night cream or sleeping mask
This product attracts me the most , but actually this sleeping essence is very alike to mattifying moisturiser 😆 I will consider to buy this later 💢 If some of you too lazy to go shopping this, you can purchase it online whether at Guardian or Watsons . I advise you to buy this product at Watsons or Guardian because the product being sold for a higher price in supermarket or grocery .
48 LOVE(S)
I didn't know that Nano White Fresh has new products added. My favourite from this range would be Miracle Mist. So refreshing 😊
ReplyDeleteoh i see!
Deletethe sleeping mask and charcoal mask are tempting! :') But I'm so lazy when it comes to some face-night-routine that I would usually skip - terus tidur instead :')
ReplyDeleteme too malas sangat T_T
Deletei know nothing about this new line products.. yang charcoal mask tu macam best je..
ReplyDeletetry tau! nanti buat la entry satu ~
DeleteI used to love the normal nano white but then ever since I tried a serum, my skin can't tolerate nano white products anymore.. Such a waste.. :/
ReplyDeletemungkin waktu tu kulit belum cukup matang nak terima serum :9
DeleteJust started using the charcoal mask once last night. I thought it would be like something black in colout or at least ashy colour but somehow it turned out to be dark blue-ish i guess haha . I wait for bout 8-10 min then i rinse it off .. its like a cream yknow.. i feel super super refreshed, skin is like baby- so sooftt , and idk if its just me exagerating but i felt slightly whiter ���� . I dont know the advantage it'll give to my face for the long run since i just wore it like once. Will be looking forward to see the outcome later on
ReplyDeletei dont think that you are being exaggerating abt it since nano white do helps whiten the skin :) anyway thank you for sharing abt this ^^
DeleteI've been using the Nano White Fresh Aqua Sleeping Essence for like 2 months. Memang baguss gilerr untuk yang ada acne prone skin tuhh, bile first time gune memang tak nampak kesan, lepas 5 hari gune(make sure gune tiap2 malam K)..perghh...jerawat tuh memang berkurang, kulit rase licin jee. Nak kata cerah tuh aku ada nampak perubahan lepas 1minggu lebih camtuh..tapi Alhamdulillah, sekarang nih muke dah putih..dah floless dah uollss..(bukan nak angkat bakul, Nano White nih memang memberikan kesan yang baguiihhhh sgt..tapi kene saborr la gune ye uolssss!!)
ReplyDeletethanks nana for your sharing :D lpas ni anis kena cari satu >.<
DeleteBru je beli tadi.. But yg tiga nie x lagi lah... But mmg best rse lembut je muka... And muka pon x rse pedih..kan Anis ade ckp klau nk tau muka kite sesuai or x kita akan rse pedih skit.. But ini x rse langsung.. Act tdi nak beli garnier but akk kedai tu tarik saya ke Nano punya bahagian... Mmg dpt byk diskaun lah... Soap ade freegift (notebook) lagi! Nnti nak beli tige jenis nie pulakk
ReplyDeletewahh bestnya awak ! jeles kitee >.<
DeleteAnd hari ni beli stu lagu jenis.. Yg utk malam tu punya plk.. But x dek diskaun sbb beli at tmpat lain *sob sob*
DeleteAnd rse x percaya baru pakai 3 hari dh ade kesan dye.. Kan saya ade bekas jerawat dh kering bile kopek dye akan berdarah.. But lps pkai nano nie.. Bru je tiga hari... Bekas jerawat dh kering and tros dye tercabut sendiri... Best lahh
ReplyDeleteawak. kite baru beli yg aqua sleeping essence tu. time pakai tu muka pedih gila tapi bila dia dah resap okk lak. so senanya kira okk ngan muka ke tak tu 😭
ReplyDeletebaik awak berhenti guna, saya risau dia buat muka awak lagi kering sbb tu rasa pedih bila nak pakai .. tapi saya tak arif sangat lah awak pasal skin ni :( sorry
DeleteRasa pedih+berangin gak awal2
DeleteSerasa kite mungkin muka awk tu x sesuai dengan produk nano ni . memang muka kite akan memberi tindak balas jika tidak serasi .(saya pun baru pakai, baru minggu ni . but aqua sleeping essence ni okey je) so mungkin awk nye interaksi muka awk yg tidak serasi
DeleteCharcoal mask dan aqua mask ni peel-off mask ke apa?
ReplyDeleteyang charcoal mask tu wash off and aqua tu pulak mcm sleeping mask + essence , so lepas bangun tidur baru pergi basuh muka :D
DeleteCan i use nano sleeping mask as my daily moisturizer?
ReplyDeleteyes you may but it is more recommended tu use it on night time
Deletehii. nak tanya kalau malam kena pakai mattifying moisturiser juga ke? even kalau dah ada sleeping essence tu?
ReplyDeletehiii :) awak tak perlu dah guna mattifying moisturiser tu, cukup dengan sleeping essence ^^ mintak maaf saya lambat reply
Deletemakin lama makin banyak , saya ni new user tak tau nak pakai ikut turutan mcm mne , kasi bantai je la dulu asalkan ade perubahan sikit2
ReplyDeleteSy baru pakai nano start minggu lepas setelah lama xprcayakan any product. Alhamdulillah nano white fresh telah mengembalikan kepercayaan sy *(menyampah pulak bc ayt sndiri)
ReplyDeleteMmg fresh bila pkai cleanser dia and my oily skin dah berkurang minyak nya. Cuma nak tanya, kalau dh pkai sleeping essence, corrector tu perlu ke? And miracle mist boleh pkai bila² masa ke?
corrector is to be wear before moisturiser/sleeping essence. and yesss for that miracle mist tu anytime you boleh guna :)
Deleteklu pkai nano white fresh , blh ke nk pkai nano serum jugk
ReplyDeleteboleh aje kalau nak campur, asalkan kulit awak tak meragam sudah :)
Deletesaya basuk muka guna milk cleanser tu jerawat nanah terus kecut.. dia kecut tau buka pecah ke apa.. mmg best laa smooth je rasa ssuai utk acne prone skin sbb ada tea tree an vit c
ReplyDeleteSet aqua essence n charcoal ni best sgat guna. Rsa mcm segar je msa nak tido.
ReplyDeleteyes agree with you <3
DeleteSis masih menggunakan produk ni ka skrg? Sya baru try semalam. Sbb muka berjerawat teruk lepas pakai krim ada kandungan merkuri..harap2 nano white fresh ni dpt membantu.
ReplyDeleteya saya still guna nano white fresh ni sampai harini :)
DeleteHy sis,,sy nk tnye ttg cara pemakaian clnsrfrm dgn milkclnsr ni cm mne yer? Sllu kliru nk pkai mne dlu..
ReplyDeletehaii :) you can choose one cleaser, depends on your skin. if tak oily sangat, boleh guna foam cleaser tu.. but if your skin sensitive, guna lah milk cleaser sbb ingredients dia mild sikit
DeleteTq for this information :) rasanya ni yg paling lengkap and senang faham hehehehe
ReplyDeleteberkesan ker..
ReplyDeleteinsyaAllah berkesan if your skin betul betul sesuai dengan produk ni , awak kena lah try dulu and search what is the best for your skin :)
DeleteSaya guna aqua sleeping essence tu tak rasa pedih Tau but kinda macam panas tapi sekejap je waktu lepas dah apply satu muka then dah okay so adakah macam tak sesuai untuk saya guna?
ReplyDeleteSis, kalau waktu apply tu macam rasa kinda panas panas gitu tapi taklama lah less than one minute dah takrasa panas so adakah kulit muka saya taksesuai pakai ni? Oh ya saya guna aqua sleeping essence tu
ReplyDeletehmm sis saya tak pasti la, even saya pun pernah rasa cam tu tapi tak da lah pulak anything bad happened to my skin
DeleteAs salam anis nabila. Sy nk review pasal produk nano white fresh ni...x tau macam mna boleh terjebak. Saja nk cuba. Before this, skin sy mmg senang nk breakout & mcm2 produk da guna...yg harga beratus pun dah. Tp x berkesan. X sangka pulak produk ni sesuai ngn skin sy. Mmg best giler. Skin lembut & licim...x breakout yg teruk2 da. Baru jer guna gel cleanser & mist 3 weeks. Alhamdulillah. The best nano white fresh.
ReplyDeleteyeayy alhamdulillah your skin getting clearer, I'm happy for you <3
DeleteHi Anis. Sya Bru je guna nanowhite ni . Dulu saya guna Cetaphil and hiruscar but both don't suit me well. Saya almost give up but Saya tringin nak try nanowhite punye product but then I get confused between nanowhite and nanowhite fresh. Saya Tak Tau Mana yang patut Saya beli..act skin Saya jenis kombinasi .. so I decided utk beli milk cleanser and nanowhite dark spot corrective serum utk hilangkan parut2 jerawat. Act my acne just jerawat pasir Kat dahi and ad sikit2 parut. Dan Saya takut nak guna one set product as my routine sbb saya Tak Penh buat slama ni decided to buy just that two.jadi awak rasa milk cleanser ni ssuai k until combinancom skin and nanowhite serum tu untuk parut..
DeleteHi Anis.. act saya Bru je guna nanowhite ni..bfore this Saya guna cetaphil and hiruscar but both doesn't suit my face. and Saya tergerak hati utk try guna nano ni but I got confused between these two which is nano white or nanowhite fresh. Saya Tak tahu ap benefi dua2 produk ni..Saya punya skin jenis combination and Saya Tak brani utk trus guna one set product so I decided to buy milk cleanser and nano white dark spot corrective serum. Jadi Saya nak mnta pndapt awak adakh ssuai utk combination skin guna milk cleanser and act saya punya jerawat just jerawat pasir dekat dahi and parut2 so I try to removed that using nanowhite serum. Jdi adakh ssuai utk Saya gunakan product tu
ReplyDeleteThank you for dropping your thoughts and have a nice day! 😉