Innisfree Recommendation for Daily Routine Skin Care - M O O N

Innisfree Recommendation for Daily Routine Skin Care

by - Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Hi ^^

Just wanna share with you on recommendations given by Innisfree according to your preferences. This will not make you waste your money on buying wrong products for your precious skin . I will state the skin concern first then your skin type. The skin concern is being categorised to these ; pore care, whitening, moisturising, firming & lifting , anti-aging . Here we go!

  • Pore care
Dry Skin

Normal / Combination Skin

Oily Skin

Acne-Prone Skin

  • Whitening
Dry Skin
Normal / Combination Skin

Oily Skin

Acne-Prone Skin
  • Moisturising / Nutri-moisturising
Dry Skin
Normal / Combination Skin
Oily Skin 
Acne-Prone Skin
  • Firming / Lifting
Dry Skin

Normal / Combination Skin

Oily Skin

Acne-Prone Skin

  • Anti-aging
Dry Skin

Normal / Combination Skin

Oily Skin

Acne-Prone Skin

Some of  them might be the same. I hope this will help you to choose the best for your skin ! Annyeong ~

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13 LOVE(S)

  1. Great post! Dah tahu dah nak purchase apa kat innisfree nanti hehe :)

    Lenne Zulkiflly Blog

  2. really wanted that green tea seed serum.

    1. me too ! but still thinking how to maintain using them since i'm just a student with no fixed income

  3. Replies
    1. anis pun baru sedar yg innisfree ada banyak range product dia

  4. have been thinking nak guna their orchid line.. Too bad because the price is expensive for me huhu

    1. that's so true! sebab tu lah anis skrg still stick to nano white fresh TT_TT

  5. Yang guna green tea sebagai bahan dia tu nampak menarik..

  6. i bought bija trouble line for cleanser and toner.
    unfortunately, the toner doesnt suit my skin well and i got some breakout T^T

    1. ahh i see :( i hope your skin will be better soon :D

  7. Wah banyak jugak produk Innisfree ni. Nice post :)

  8. Thank you so much for this nice information. Hope so many people will get aware of this and useful as well. And please keep update like this. Visit here for Best Mac Foundation for Oily Skin and Best Foundation for Pale Skin.


Thank you for dropping your thoughts and have a nice day! 😉