A Washi Tape Maniac - M O O N

A Washi Tape Maniac

by - Monday, May 27, 2019

Blog Anis Nabilah

Hello hello long time no see guys ! I'm happy to be here ❤ While everyone gone to taraweh, tapi aku sorang tinggal kat rumah nak siapkan assignment lecturer bagi siang tadi 😏 tapi tangan ni gatal nak menaip something sebab dah bersawang teruk ni blog 💩

Does anyone know apa tu 'washi tape'? Washi ni asalnya perkataan Jepun, makna dia pun memang sangat related to that country.

Wa : Japanese
Shi : Paper 

So washi is Japanese paper 👐 tapi washi tape kalau google apa makna dia? 'a type of decorative coloured adhesive tape'.

anis nabilah washi tape

These washi tape I got from Kaison. Ni cuma a part from all washi tapes yang Anis ada dekat rumah tapi cannot show sebab tak ambil gambar lagi 😅

anis nabilah washi tape

Also from Kaison, basically this time punya blog post semua pasal washi tapes yang boleh dijumpai di Kaison 😁

anis nabilah washi tape

At but not least, the single edition of washi tapes. I don't like this much as those come in box, sebab yang single ni macam tak berapa nak melekat after tampal dia atas kertas 💢 nasib not that expensive, since one roll tu 10 meter 💤

Those yang suka sangat dengan bullet journal pun mesti suka tengok orang hias bullet journal diorang dengan washi tapes ni kan kan kan 🙋 tapi susah juga nak cari kedai yang jual washi tapes degan harga yang affordable, kalau brand MUJI lagi harga dia cekik darah tau for only 3 rolls. 

Anis nak tunjuk all colours then I will state the price okayy 

Washi tapes price
5 rolls (colour) RM 8.50 [each roll 10m]
5 rolls (pattern) RM 8.90 [each roll 10m]
Single roll RM 2.90

If saya rajin untuk blogging lagi, nanti Anis update tempat mana best nak dapatkan barang-barang stationery yang comel plus dengan harga terboikkk !

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12 LOVE(S)

  1. washi tape mmg mahal huhu T-T I bought one on MR DIY (RM 7.90 - 5 rolls)
    Hari tu ada promosi kat popular RM1.20 utk 1 roll..

    1. hmm kalau kat popular cantik jugak design washi tape TT_TT

  2. hahahha i've got quite a few collections as well and still need more XD. Can't help but to keep getting more. u feel me?

    1. yess of course! I can feel that too~~ that feeling you want every each of them whenever you see it T_T need more money to get them tho!

  3. I suka washi tapes for bullet journal! xx

    lenne | blog

  4. Sya pun suka washi tapes! i used to borong lots of washi tapes from kedai rm2 and mr diy haha but tak pernah beli yang kaison punya lagi.


    1. update on 2020: don't buy at kaison, I saw my washi tape tertanggal so easily T_T it drop my hearteuuu too!

  5. BV suka washi tapes jugak, banyak je yg ada tapi macam tak pernah cukup sebab kalau terjumpa yg cantik2 harga murah memang beli la. :D

    1. hahaha betul tu BV, ada washi tape bnyk tapi mmg takkan rasa puas

  6. fiqa pun suka washi tapes ni sebab comel :( hahaha dulu zaman ada planner jurnal semua rajinlah beli. sekarang dah malas, yang lama-lama punya pun tak sentuh dah haizzz haha

    1. comel tu lah first reason kenapa suka beli, skrg anis pun jarang and tak sempat nak hias planner so banyak jugak lagi washi tape yang tak terguna


Thank you for dropping your thoughts and have a nice day! 😉