July 2018 - M O O N

Things I Bought Thru Shopee

by - Sunday, July 22, 2018
I just want to share here all the things I had bought by using Shopee apps. Heyy this is not a one time purchase okay 😅 just this and that from overall things I bought. I can say that most of them are stationeries 😍 They just too cute and cheap that's why...

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Summary of Life #June 2018

by - Thursday, July 19, 2018
Yeayy finally got something to share 👐 Disebabkan memang got no idea nak post apa, so haritu ada minta pendapat internet friends what to talk 👧 datanglah penyelamatnya iaitu Budak Vanilla a.k.a BV cadang buat life update for past month. Jangan lupa pergi lah blogwalking kat blog BV ! ✌ Post beliau amatlah menarik tambah-tambah pulak...

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Am I Wrong

by - Monday, July 16, 2018
I keep thinking and think again whether I am the wrong one. Don't know how to start ranting, because everything feels so wrong. I've been at the university for two years and I know very well each of my classmates, how they behave, their personalities, capabilities and so on. Sometimes I wanna be like...

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