I'm Tired Already - M O O N

I'm Tired Already

by - Saturday, February 18, 2017

Sorry guys ! Almost 2 months I left this blog, since second semester started ! And yeahh , you know how student life , right ? Walaupun sebenarnya ada saja masa terluang lepas siapkan assignment, boleh update blog. But, wifi kat sini tak ada, and I'm still using broadband dari zaman bilakah ini -.- Tahap kelajuan hanya selaju kura-kura walhal bulan ni 1GB pun tak sampai aku guna =='

This upcoming Monday, 20 Feb 2017, will be 11th week of second semester, and i can go back home on study week starting from 18 March ~ 

And I will sit for my final starting on 27 March 2017. 

Okay , bye ! 

I need to finish my marketing assignment :)

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13 LOVE(S)

  1. Biasalah tu student en, kekadang tak menyempat nak update. Bukan taknak update tapi sebab internet macam apa je takda mood nak update. Btw, good luck awak :)

  2. Oh yaa all the best for your study. Bittaufiq wannajah fil imtihan =)

  3. Hehe biasa lah tu. Wifi memnag penyebab utama. Kalau wifi laju baru syok nak blogging. Good luck study! =) Nad pulak nak masuk sem baru dah minggu depan.

  4. Omg, where are you anyway? What kind of educational places does not have a wifi?? lol. Hi! It's my first time here. Nice to meet you :)

    1. ni haa kat uitm alor gajah , kat sini kalau tempat ada wifi pun jgn harap dpt connect , tak kuat langsung

  5. memang susah kalau takda wifi. BV selalu guna hotspot kt tepon je T^T
    all the best ya :)

  6. good luck in your studies! anyway I love your blog! cantiknyaaa. hehe.

  7. Dugaan belajar.nanti dh kerja mesti perasaan im tired already tu dtg lagi.haha.peace

  8. i know that feeling bila guna broadband pehhh kalau sy mmang dah panas hati dah line lambat haha anyway,good luck for everything!

  9. It's okay, if you feel free then you can update your blog. Your study is more important than your blog hehe. Saya singgah dan follow blog ni ya. Jemput melawat blog saya jika berkelapangan :)


Thank you for dropping your thoughts and have a nice day! 😉