Keep It Short
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Wanna visit cafe(s) so bad |
Guys! I'm still alive alhamdulillah 😊
Kekok betul menaip and I dislike 1934298529% the new interface, so since that time Blogger ada new look, masa tu jugak la dah rasa malas betul nak berblogging lagi 😥 bukat takata menaip, jejak sini pun tidak 💃 tapi harini mimpi apa ntah log in, check this and that and found out my irl friend drop a comment like 3 months ago! and I just saw it today aiyoo 👻 sorry for ghosting
Anyways, now Anis dah habis study just waiting for the result to be announced tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock 💢 quite nervous jugak since tak tahu how they decide the marks 💦 for the internship, alhamdulillah I guess my supervisor bagi marks yang begitu adil dan setimpal for the whole 6 months I spent there. Cuma di sini rasa sekelompok batchmates yang has undergone their internship under gov agency like dapat melangit but they do nothing that matches it up 😬😶 but yeah apa apa je lah it's not the end of the world
Till here sembang merepek for today! Let's see lepas ni rajin or not to be here since buang masa sambil termenung is the best activity to do for now
💀 stay safe, everyone