December 2017 - M O O N

Top Favourite Song #December2017

by - Friday, December 29, 2017
Don't really know what to post so I just come up with an idea to share on songs that I'm listening to 💘 and before that I'm so sorry maybe all of them are korean song because I only listen to english or malay song on youtube i don't save it in 'Play...

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K-Drama | Wednesday 3.30 PM

by - Friday, December 22, 2017
Another drama review from me 😙 I watched this on last month or last two months maybe, waktu lepas naik cuti mid-sem. I watched this because this is a short drama, if I choose to watch those with 20 episodes and each episode for 1 hour, maka habislah pelajaran ku merewang ke mana...

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Last Week Of Classes

by - Thursday, December 21, 2017
So long I did not post anything here so hi guys ✋ This is the last yeahh the 14th weeks of classes and assignments. Too busy busying myself 😂 ada kerja banyak itu lumrah pelajar dan tak perlu lah nak kecoh sangat ye dok 😙  Right now only one report left that needed...

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