2017 - M O O N

Top Favourite Song #December2017

by - Friday, December 29, 2017
Don't really know what to post so I just come up with an idea to share on songs that I'm listening to 💘 and before that I'm so sorry maybe all of them are korean song because I only listen to english or malay song on youtube i don't save it in 'Play...

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K-Drama | Wednesday 3.30 PM

by - Friday, December 22, 2017
Another drama review from me 😙 I watched this on last month or last two months maybe, waktu lepas naik cuti mid-sem. I watched this because this is a short drama, if I choose to watch those with 20 episodes and each episode for 1 hour, maka habislah pelajaran ku merewang ke mana...

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Last Week Of Classes

by - Thursday, December 21, 2017
So long I did not post anything here so hi guys ✋ This is the last yeahh the 14th weeks of classes and assignments. Too busy busying myself 😂 ada kerja banyak itu lumrah pelajar dan tak perlu lah nak kecoh sangat ye dok 😙  Right now only one report left that needed...

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Jom Cipta Kenangan Paling Best Dengan MAS !

by - Friday, November 10, 2017
Pernah tak korang dengar perkataan MAS?? Korang tahu ke MAS tu apa maksudnya? Haaaa bukan Mas dalam sinetron petang-petang tu tau! 😂. Okay for those yang tak tahu sini Anis nak bagi korang tahu, yang dah tahu tu pon korang boleh tahu lagi sekali hehehe 😁 MAS ialah Malaysia Arlines tau, sebab apa...

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Roaming Around

by - Saturday, October 14, 2017
Long time no see you guys ! Cuti pertengahan semester dah start 😎 Sedar tak sedar dah 5 minggu aku habiskan kat Lendu tu, waktu tengah busy memang tak fikir rumah sangat tapi bila hujung minggu tengok ramai yang asyik lesap balik rumah terus terasa nak balik. Homesick. It is not a feeling...

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2 Weeks Of Third Sem & DNA

by - Thursday, September 21, 2017
Guys ! I'm back 👀 Setelah hampir tiga minggu ? menghilangkan diri , rindukah anda terhadap saya ? 👊👊 perasaan .  Lagi 3 minggu kena stay sini sebelum cuti mid sem which is a whole week holiday plus minus jumaat sebelumnya cuti ulang tahun kelahiran YDPN Melaka starting from 13th to 22th of...

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How My September Going To Be

by - Sunday, September 03, 2017
  The semester break going to end so soon ! Feel like I don't want to go back , tapi bila dah mula masuk kuliah nanti semestinya rasa tak sabar nak menanti hari-hari yang seterusnya kat sana. Nak sangat semuanya habis dengan cepat supaya dapat grad cepat. Disebabkan UiTM baru nak reconstruct balik...

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3 Things I Want | 3CE

by - Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Came up with a new segment for my blog . Kinda like a mini wishlist of mine of things from certain brand . So , I would to start with 3CE (3 Concept Eyes) . 3CE is the popular Korean cosmetics brands of Style Nanda and the brand (3CE) is one of the...

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HK-Drama | Love In Time

by - Sunday, August 27, 2017
Hey today I'm going to give out my opinion about this Hong Kong drama entitled 'Love In Time' . Being aired from 2 June - 12 June 2015 . Yeahh it is from two years ago 😬  Source : Wikipedia Genre : Romance , Supernatural , Vampire Synopsis : A 224 year old man...

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Eyeing For Off Shoulder Top

by - Friday, August 25, 2017
 Heyy creatures ! Good evening night for you 💚 Nowadays I can't let myself go surfing ? stalking ? like most instagram accounts just to cuci mata sebab nanti dia akan terdetik rasa nak beli sesuatu 💆 Can you see the title for this post ? Yess I was mencuci mata melihat baju-baju...

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